Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 15, 2023
boxed up from Making A Lather

 I have decided to retire these projects to the ufo closet. They deserve a vacation, and, to meet up with their old friends. Both of the quilts were last year's rainbow scrap challenge. I sewed them into useable blocks, to the point that decisions are needed for assembly. Now, they will have to wait until their turn as part of my 5 quilt focus. It could be years or decades LOL

Couldn't help taking pictures of all the petty valentine flowers at the grocery store. and it smelled great.

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February 8, 2023
zipper twosies from Making A Lather

All my zipper blocks are in sets of  2.  I wondered how to evenly distribute the colors and make it random. I had made the blocks using the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Each month, I took the color of the month scrap bag, and, cut out the block, and sewed them.

I decided to sew them into twosies. I took all the pinks and sewed each one to R-O-Y-G-B-I-V. Then I took red and did the same, and so on. I am sure in the end there will still be ugly combos and fabrics too close to each ...

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January 18, 2023
hunters star from Making A Lather

 Every morning, I make at least one hunters star block. I have also sewn the individual blocks into twosies. I am trying to make them random, but, I find myself picking through them for just the right way to use them. haha -I cut and made the single blocks last year as part of the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

The daily practice has made progress. I have accumulated  almost 30 big blocks. Better than, if I had sent them to the ufo closet. I don't think all my points are perfect, but, the overall look is really ...

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January 4, 2023
a few blocks from Making A Lather

One of last year's rainbow scrap challenge project needs 12 more blocks.  I am trying to make one every morning before the day starts. I think I have 4 more to go. I received mystery fat quarters from missourri star quilt last month. And I decided that I would use those to finish what I need. Then, I don't have to put them away. Everything is cut and ready to sew.

It was 62 degrees yesterday. weird. It was very foggy and humid. Funny weather for January. I am sure we will appreciate the moisture this summer ...

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December 21, 2022
tiny bit of sewing from Making A Lather

This is it for the week. I had parts cut for more cross and crown blocks, that I have been working on this year as part of the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I spent a few minutes at the sewing machine, and made these two blocks.

Peppermint Chocolate Delight  - super yummy and easy with no baking, so it doesn't take oven space.


  • vanilla wafers (about 2.5 cups)
  • ¼ cup butter, melted
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 - 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 2 TB milk
  • 1 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 - 12 oz tub Cool ...

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December 10, 2022
zipper blocks done from Making A Lather

I was able to finish all the zipper blocks I need for a good size quilt. I had enough brown to make the last of them for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I thought I would put the blocks in a plastic container and send it to the UFO closet, but, I decided to use them as leader/enders by sewing twosies. We will see how this goes. I used a lot of scraps, but, of course, I still have more scraps than I can ever use. It's a good thing, we have another rainbow scrap challenge ...

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December 3, 2022
crown blocks from Making A Lather

I have a few more cross and crown blocks to make to finish my goal for a quilt. I will still make them in 2023 for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I did make a few black blocks for November. And, hopefully will do brown in December.

At the end of the month, I want to look at my progress for PHD 22. I am thankful I have finished so many ufos this year. My problem, each year, is finishing any new projects I start for the year. There is a slight chance I may finish 2 more ...

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November 19, 2022
strings for Kismet from Making A Lather

I spent a few evenings at the treadle making string units. I was trying to make ahead, the units for the fish school blocks, I have been making for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I cut fish school blocks for the leader/ ender challenge 2021 and made  quite a few, but, didn't keep up for the year. So, this year I cut for RSC. And, about that time, Bonnie Hunter shared her pattern kismet of her finished fish school. I decided, I wasn't far enough along, that I couldn't switch to kismet for finishing my ...

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November 12, 2022
blossom blocks finished from Making A Lather

I worked on the quilt blossom time through the year in 2022 making the blossoms by color from the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I needed 140 and I have finished 140. This project is retiring to the ufo closet, hopefully, for a short vacation before finishing.

I went through my black 2 inch strip bag and made a few more zippers.

I need 23 more zippers. There is a chance that with brown next month and odd colors in december, I can have the zipper blocks all made by the end of the month. And, then, these blocks ...

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November 7, 2022
zipping along from Making A Lather

Once, I started finishing my zipper blocks instead of doing them with the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy, I just kept sewing most of the forgotten ones. I do enjoy making them, once, I start. It is a fun surprise each time I finish one to see how they look. It was a nice break after working on the top of rhododendron mystery.

I am linking:

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November 5, 2022
blossom blocks from Making A Lather

I made a few blossom time blocks as part of my rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I finished the center of rhododendron quiltville mystery

I made zipper blocks. I put frolic quiltville mystery quilt on the longarm as part of my one monthly goal.

I have been ironing scraps from a gifted bag.

I have been enjoying wonderful fall weather. It is still 70 during the day with pretty aqua blue skies. I am not looking to plunging into total darkness with changing our clocks back, tomorrow.

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October 29, 2022
bunnies is a top from Making A Lather

I have finished my bunny quilt to the top stage. I think It is very cute and, coincidently, I am going to be a Grandmother again. I might be ahead on this one. Now, this quilt will be sent to the "to be quilted" closet, and, wait it's turn for the longarm.

hoping for a safe halloween for all the kiddos

We did just a little bit of fun decorating this year.

I am linking to:

rsc21 super saturday

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October 22, 2022
green zipper from Making A Lather

I am adding some green to my zipper blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I cut a few and then when I started piecing, I decided to match the centers with all the previous cut zippers. I had a fun morning sewing them into strips and sub cutting the twosies for the centers. This year, I have about 60 cut, and, I think I want to cut some more next year during the rsc challenge.

and a few dotty bow ties

Best news is that I finally had a finish this month - Blue ridge beauty

I am ...

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October 15, 2022
blossoms from Making A Lather

With light green as the color of the month for October and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy, I thought it would be a great time to work ahead on the stems and leaves for blossom time. I cut the pieces


And sewed the stems and HSTS.

And trimmed the pieces


And a few blocks.....

It doesn't look like much, but, it took awhile.

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October 12, 2022
zipper it from Making A Lather

I am trying to sew some of the zipper blocks that I cut earlier in the year for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I was digging around in the blues. I cut the lime greens for the month of October, too.

I added another round to the snails trail blocks just for fun.

And what a fun find at the Indy quilt show from Jennifer at wednesday wait loss. I was so excited to see her name. It was lovely up close and personal. I didn't get all the way through the quilt show. We were a ...

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October 5, 2022
5 quilts October 5, 2022 from Making A Lather

last report 5 quilts September 23, 2022

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another.

1. Rainbow scrap challenge- lime or light green - I haven't started yet.

2. rhododendren mystery - hunter - I sewed the longest row and added it to the next row. I have the other side ready too.

3. Boho heart - ready to start section 3. I have the first row of blocks sorted.

4. I started dotty bow ties last month. The bow tie ...

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October 1, 2022
light blue finish from Making A Lather

I finished with the light blues. I made some star and crown blocks.

And, I spent some time sewing blocks into twosomes for the hunter's star. Otherwise, I worked on the 5 UFO quilts I have going, to move them along, while I waited for the new color for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I guess the color will be lime and light green. IT might be time to cut that color for an older UFo called swingin checkerboard  that needs green for the sashing.

I can't believe it October already. It seems  like yesterday I ...

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September 24, 2022
hunters star from Making A Lather

 I used all the blue colors for hunter's star earlier this year for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. SO, I am using this month of light blue to start sewing blocks together for my hunter's star. I used an accuquilt die to cut the pieces, and, I sewed the half blocks together during the month according to color of the month. If I had made this before, I would have realized that I needed to press the pieces differently to get a good nesting of the seams.  I am taking the light piece by color and ...

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September 23, 2022
5 quilts September 23, 2022 from Making A Lather

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another.

5 quilts last report September 14, 2022   

1. Rainbow scrap challenge- light blue - I have all the light blue finished for the month

2. rhododendren mystery - hunter - This is the bottom corner and I have the top corner done as well. I have 1 row of 4 ready to add to the quilt

3. Boho heart -Three more blocks made for section 2

4. I started dotty bow ties. The ...

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September 17, 2022
blossom time from Making A Lather

I am using leftover strips from my maple leaves quilt for the new light blue blossoms for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I made more stems and leaves and 4 patches. I think I will need to carry this project over to next year, to get all the blocks I will need.

We have seen our weather turn cooler, and, then, return to hot. Most of the garden is sputtering. I still have a few blossoms around the house. Nasturtiums are still blooming. Petunias and pansies are still blooming. Our old old apple trees are dropping apples. Hubby ...

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